Wednesday, November 14, 2012

As part of the Homework Challenges in Year 7 and 8 Brad decided to raise money for the Haemophilia Foundation.  He organised haemophilia wrist bands and distributed them to each class.  For a gold coin donation students could get a red wristband to wear.  Watch this video to hear what what he did.

NZ Poverty

While the year 8's were in Wellington, the year 7's (And some of the year 8's who didn't go) researched on Poverty in New Zealand. We learnt about houses that were unstable and unfit to live in. We also learnt about different ways to keep our houses warm. We learnt about different ways houses can be heated effectively and keep our houses warm with minimum cost. So we made small houses and we also had to write down some blueprints and how our cardboard houses were going to be heated.






Friday, November 9, 2012

Christchurch South West Schools' Zones Athletics 2012

Here are some photos from the the 2012 Zones at Hillmorton High School. They happened on Thursday 8th November. About 70 Yr 4-8 students went. The events were High Jump, Long Jump, Shotput, Discus, Long Distance, Sprints, and Relay. There were about 14 schools competing. The weather was really good because it was sunny and there was no rain. Students from Oaklands who made it to Canterburys were: Luke White, Sophie White, Mia Warren, Mesepa Fui, Micheala O Hagan, Rachel Pullan and Olivia King.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gold CARE awards

Luke and Shannon are the the first two students at Oaklands School to be awarded with their Gold CARE awards. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

On Monday 5 November we had a full school assembly. The first two Gold CARE awards were handed out to Luke and Shannon, also alot of Silver and Bronze awards were handed out. Mrs Hall talked about excellence being the term's CARE value goal. Excellence means always trying your best at everything.